A Text Message to My Dad about Midi 2.0

My dad texted me tonight about MIDI 2.0 and how it might change the music industry. (Can we pause so I can revel in the fact my dad, a 67 year old man, understands music tech enough to understand the implications of MIDI 2.0? 😆)

Here’s my response:

“ MIDI 2.0 is going to be a really big deal on a lot of levels, for sure. They announced it in late 2020 before the world shut down, and so there’s not much gear that’s ready for it yet.

Change the music industry awesome? Probably not. But there’s some really nice stuff like higher resolution, higher throughput, and 2-way communication with a single cable that’s really going to be nice.

The problem right now is this is a little late, and because of it a lot of manufacturers have switched to another protocol called TouchOSC which has many of the capabilities of MIDI 2.0. I feel like this is a bid by MIDI to try and stay relevant, and I think it’ll work because it’s backwards compatible and it’s such a cheap tech to put in an instrument.”

While I’m at it, I probably should call my mom, too.