Three Amazing Musician Blogs You've Never Heard Of this is the perfect blog to find out all kinds of fun stuff about both the music industry, and interesting emerging artists. I know I'm biased, but some of the most inspiring stuff I've ever read have come from my father's blog. He's the epitome of a multi-disciplinary artist, and will cover everything from Van Gogh to hand-drawn cartoons. There's always great posts about career development here- if you're looking for ways to improve as a musician in the areas of marketing, this is a must-read blog.

Why read blogs?

If you're reading this, I probably don't have to convince you of the importance of reading great blogs on a daily basis. They can:

1. inspire you in ways no other medium can.

2. they're free.

3. they don't take a lot of time.

But most people read blogs with no consistency, because they don't have the right tools. There are some simple apps that can really help you consistently read on a daily basis- here's my short list of free/inexpensive blog readers:

Take five minutes today to get a blog reading habit started- I know it's going to transform the way you understand the world.

(Note: I'm sure some of my musician friends are thinking, "what does this have to do with being a musician"? If you want to write great music, connect with the right people to advance your career, or simply stay inspired, reading blogs on a daily basis can only help. I've written songs and developed friendships I never could have if I hadn't consistently been reading. )
