Top 5 plugins right now

I’m in the middle of producing a track for a friend of mine, which means using lots of plugins. Here’s what has me jazzed right now. And 3 out of 5 of them are free!

Aberrant DSP Sketchcassette

This does some crazy tape saturation effects that I’ve never heard before. Check the video for demos.

Micro DSP’s OB-XD

As vintage emulations of analog synths go, this one’s pretty amazing. And it’s free.

Valhalla’s Super Massive

Another free plugin, this thing can cover a wide range of delay and reverb tones. Probably my favorite massive reverb generator ever.

TAL’s Chorus LX

This one’s free, too, and will give you the Juno 60’s chorus with a click. Instant 80’s vibe on everything.

Spectrasonics’ Keyscape

Not free, but worth it. The best electric pianos and other piano instruments available.