MainStage Mondays: MainStage Update 3.2.3
This last week Apple released a tiny update to MainStage, and added some cool new stuff.
The biggest thing I noticed was the cosmetic changes to many of the plugins- these new redesigns look really awesome! Apple has rebuilt several plugins for retina displays, and the GUI are much cleaner then before. Here’s a few of the plugins I thought looked the coolest:
The Bitcrusher plugin is so streamlined.
I like the simplicity of the new Adaptive Limiter plugin!
The new Auto Filter plugin makes all of the parameters easier to read and understand.
The Stereo Spreader looks radically different, but from what i can see the basic features have stayed intact.
Even less popular plugins like Flanger are sporting the facelift. I'm thinking Apple will continue to update their older plugins over the next few months.
There were other subtle tweaks to the program, including a lot of tweaks to Alchemy. If you’re geeky and enjoy this stuff, here’s a link to the complete details.