10 Truths I’ve Rediscovered This Tour
10. Fans matter. A Lot.
9. I love playing in front of large crowds.
8. Music connects people in a way few other things do.
7. Kind people count more on tour than any other time.
6. It’s impossibly hard to stick to a diet when your food choices are McDonalds or a gas station at 2 AM.
5. Touring with my brother and playing a piano duet each night is a blast. I love this guy.
4. Sleep is NEVER overrated.
3. Napping is important.
2. You can never love coffee too much.
1. This is the spot I feel most alive in my career. I am so thankful for this opportunity.
As you can probably guess, I haven’t had much time to blog lately, and this is the best I could come up with. I’ll keep you guys posted on what’s going on when I get a chance!
My keyboard rig from last year's tour. I plan on doing an in-depth blog of what I'm using this year and why when things die down a bit.