6 Ways To Travel Light On Tour
This past Saturday we started our Trans Siberian Orchestra tribute tour, and I made some hard decisions about what I really needed to pack to stay happy and productive on the road. Here are 6 ways I simplified:
6. Pack a knapsack, not a pillow. I filled it with my socks and shirts, and it works great. I can also change the size of it by removing socks, if I feel like I’m hurting my neck.
5. Bring earbuds, not headphones. This cuts so much room out of your gear bag, and they’re great for listening to in the car.
4. Buy travel toothpaste, deodorant, and other toiletries. They’re tiny compared to the others, and fairly inexpensive (I paid a buck for most items).
3. Switch to hair gum instead of hairspray. If you use hair gel or spray for your hair, switching will cut down your travel bag significantly.
2. Rely 100% on your phone for books, pictures, and anything else you might bring for entertainment. This sounds so 21st century, but not bringing hard copy books and other entertainment makes a huge difference in your luggage size.
1. Pack t-shirts, then wear a jacket or coat. This eliminates bulky sweat shirts and lets you more quickly adjust to varying weather conditions.
I try to apply this same principle where I can to my gear, as well. For instance, I'll bring along a 61 note keyboard and a laptop instead of my large Nord Stage, if I have the choice.